NGOs and Cooperatives

Ana Sayfa/NGOs and Cooperatives

HBB Expo Department at Cooperative Meeting


HBB Expo Department at Cooperative Meeting HBB EXPO department attend a meeting about ‘’the cooperative process ” organized by the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen. Abdulkadir Teksöz, President of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen,Hatay state of trade Manager Halit İmrek, Defne municipality of Mayor Girne Mansuroğlu, Hatay Medical Aromatic Plants Association and Producing Hands Women Cooperative President Nidal Özdemir, Defne Women's Initiative Production and Management Cooperative, and also the newly established Samandağ Women's Initiative Production and Management Cooperative attend the meeting. Sada Women's Initiative Production and management Cooperative which established by Turkish, [...]

HBB Expo Department at Cooperative Meeting2019-12-05T10:10:39+03:00

EXPO Department In The Charette Of Sustainability And Local Development Of Women Initiative Cooperatives


EXPO Department In The Charette Of Sustainability And Local Development Of Women Initiative Cooperatives HBB Expo department project coordinator Ömer Faruk ÇELEBİ and the team responsible for cooperatives attended in the “Sustainability of Women's Enterprise Cooperatives and their Role in Local Development charette” In the charette, cooperatives from regional provinces and DOGAKA talked about the importance of cooperatives as driving force for local dynamics, the promotion and development of cooperatives, and the importance of sustainable development. The charette which took four sessions explained the strategies that cooperatives must implement in marketing. The charette was held voluminously in [...]

EXPO Department In The Charette Of Sustainability And Local Development Of Women Initiative Cooperatives2019-12-05T09:54:38+03:00

Arsuz, Tarımı, Turizmi, Bahçeciliği ile EXPO’ya Hazırlanıyor


Arsuz, Tarımı, Turizmi, Bahçeciliği ile EXPO'ya Hazırlanıyor Hatay Büyükşehir Belediyesi Expo koordinatörü Ömer Faruk Çelebi Arsuz Belediyesinde Expo dönemi ilçelerin bu dev organizasyondaki yeri, önemi ve tanıtımı konusunda bilgilendirme toplantısı gerçekleştirdi. Arsuz Belediyesi başkan yardımcısı Nihat Köklü, Ziraat yüksek mühendisi Erdal Akbaş, Veteriner Hekim Şerif Akçal, Meclis üyesi ve çiftçi Rami Köklü’nün yer aldığı toplantıda İlçenin Tarımsal potansiyeli, Kümelenme, Markalaşma konularında yapılabilecekler ele alındı. Yakın bir zamanda Arsuz’un çiftçilerinin, sakinlerinin geniş katılımı ile ikinci sunum ve toplantı için karar alınarak gerekli hazırlıkların yapılmasına karar verildi. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, EXPO 2021 Hatay’la ilgili yapılan çalışmalar ve gelinen süreç [...]

Arsuz, Tarımı, Turizmi, Bahçeciliği ile EXPO’ya Hazırlanıyor2019-11-14T14:30:26+03:00