10 December 2021 - 30 May 2022

Aquaponic Agriculture

Aquaponics, which allows for multiple productions, is an alternative system in the production of sustainable food produced by the combination of conventional aquatic living production (aquaculture) ad soilless agriculture (hydroponic) systems. Aquaponics systems, which the whole world has been emphasizing and progressing rapidly, increase the efficiency on the m2 basis by 4 to 5 times.

It is a production model that promotes the strengthening of regional agriculture to facilitate and accelerate the efficient use of food security and sustainable resources in the region. In Aquaponics production, where innovative, renewable and environmentally friendly systems will be used, in addition to classical vegetable cultivation, it is thought that some of the medicinal and aromatic plants will be cultivated as alternative species. Vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants will be cultivated both in open and greenhouse environment according to their requirements.